Application for Employment
Name Phone
Address Birthdate

Are you and your family current members of the North Canyon Swim & Tennis Club?

Position Applying for (mark all that apply)
Swim Instructor   |   Lifeguard   |   Front Desk

Days available to work
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Hours available to work each week
10-20 hrs 20-30 hrs 30-40 hrs

Requested Days Off
Please indicate dates that you will not be able to work, i.e. holidays, vacations, church/school activities.
Be specific and include month & day(s) that you cannot work. (This is important if you do not wish to be scheduled for that day.)

Employment History (if applicable - information may be used to contact prior supervisor for a reference)
Business Name Dates of Employment
Supervisor Phone
Reason for Leaving

If you are currently taking a class indicate which one you are taking and its completion date in the certification space provided.
For front desk jobs you will need a food handlers permit. If you have one please list it in the space provided and the expiration date.
You will need to bring a copy of all your certifications with you to your interview.
Certification 1 Exp Date
Certification 2 Exp Date
Certification 3 Exp Date

Applications will be held on file for the duration of current season (May-Sept). Employment is on a seasonal basis only. Former employees will need to apply again each season. Prior employment with North Canyon Swim & Tennis Club does not guarantee a position. North Canyon Swim & Tennis Club is an equal opportunity employer. Appointments are made without regard to sex, age, race, color, religion, national origin, disability or other non-job related criteria.

I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete and that any misstatement of material fact may subject me to disqualification or dismissal.
Full Name Date

©2025 - North Canyon Swim & Tennis Club